Friday, June 27, 2008

Happy Friday

Where did the month go? Hard to believe that its the end of June all ready. The summers always fly by but holy crap! This one is moving ahead full speed. Not too much to tell really. We had Kindergrad last week. Alexis got her "Diploma" and she was very proud to be "Graduating". I teared up a few times during the ceremony, especially when they had all the kids walk into the gym to "Pomp And Circumstance". Seems like just yesterday I was graduating from Highschool and next year will be my 10 year reunion. Crazy! So she is off to first grade come the fall and little miss Kennedy is going to Junior Kindergarten. They are both really excited. I'm sitting on the fence about it. It's going to be strange not to have a little one here full time. But on the other hand I will be able to work a little more and that's a good thing. I'll keep busy. My house might stay a little cleaner!

Tuesday is Canada Day. A big event here in Ottawa and I am not going near any of it. After the remembrance day fiasco I'm staying home (check out the blog about it). There is too many people, not enough parking and I get mental. The base has a little carnival thing for the kids in the afternoon so I am going to that and then might meet up with some friends to watch the fireworks. From as far away as I can get and still see them!

The girls are enjoying sunny days outside. They love the slip and slide and there are a few little kids around for them to play with. So all is well here. Going to hang out this weekend with Jason and the kids. No excitement, I Love it!

Hope you all have a great weekend.

Monday, June 9, 2008

That Quote

I have had a few questions about the quote on my facebook status. It's the lyrics from a Norah Jones song called "Turn Me On". Here it is:

Like a flower waiting to bloom
Like a lightbulb in a dark room
I'm just sitting here waiting for you
To come home and turn me on

Like the desert waiting for the rain
Like a school kid waiting for the spring
I'm just sitting here waiting for you
To come on home and turn me on

My poor heart, it's been so dark since you been gone
After all, you're the one who turns me off
You're the only one who can turn me back on

My hi-fi's waiting for a new tune
The glass is waiting for some fresh ice cubes
I'm just sitting here waiting for you
To come on home and turn me on
Turn me on

Enjoy. Cheers!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Slip N' Slide

Don't do it, it hurts, 'nuff said. The kids had a good laugh at my expense. Didn't stop me from going a second or a third time though! Too much fun.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I have two speed demons in the house now! We got Kennedy a two wheeler with training wheels. It's second hand but you would never know it, it's a really nice little bike. She was getting too big for her tricycle. Alexis was the very proud big sister showing her how to ride. After a little apprehension Kennedy got on and just went. They were so cute "Parking" them beside the house tonight with the promise of riding them to school tomorrow. Loving every minute of it.
Happy Trails,

Miss Kennedy

Trouble Times two!

The Princess

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Lessons Learned Revisited

After I got home from basic I made a list of things I learned there. I thought maybe it was time to write a list of things that I have learned in the time I have been home:

1. Dancing in your underwear to bad 90's music can solve all the days troubles
2. Don't touch the Gretsch
3. In one second your world can fall apart. Just breath
4. Alvin and the Chipmunks should be shot
5. If you can't find Alvin and the Chipmunks find the guy who let your kids listen to it in the first place and shoot him instead or at least deny him sex.
6. Ugly tea pots will make you pee your pants laughing
7. "Definitely the ganja"
8. Buy more pillows for the bed
9. Worry about it when it happens, thinking about it now only makes you crazy
10. Friends make the world go round
11. Work is a necessary evil
12. Pick your battles. Bathing suits look great with tights!
13. Text messages have a tone, be careful
14. There is one person in this world for everyone. When you find them you'll know
15. Love people for who they are not what they are
16. Wet cat smells worse then wet dog
17. In the end every one gets what they deserve
18. Pray. It works.
19. Sometimes the worst chain of events can bring the happiest endings
20. Laugh till you cry. It will make you feel better
21. Listen to those little people in your life. You'll be surprised what they have to say
22. Getting divorced has made me a better parent
23. "We all hate the same people"
24. I secretly love that he leaves his wet towel on the bed because it gives me something to nag about
25. Children will slam the front door no matter how many times you tell them not to. Just be thankful your 4 year old is finally tall enough to reach the door knob.
26. Mommy's need summer vacation just as much as kids do
27. Friday to Sunday goes way faster then Monday to Wednesday
28. Find out the things that are making it hard and stop them
29. Do whats good for you. Who cares what others say
30. He is not him. He is he and he is amazing