Thursday, February 21, 2008

There's No Place Like Home

So by now you all know that I'm home. Yep it sucks! I'm happy to be here with my girls but I am pissed that I had to come home. I wanted nothing more then to stay and train. After my car accident last year it took months to get back full use of my arm. I thought I was ready to go but I didn't realize how hard basic training would be on the body, both mentally and physically. I was tired and one wrong move and that was it. My neck was re-injured and I had lost feeling in my fingers again and I have limited range of motion. That combined with the fact that I struggled being away from the girls was enough to make me come home. When they are a little bigger I will try again. Maybe a year or so when they are both full time in school. It's going to take me at least that long to get back in shape but with a little physio and a lot of determination I will be ok.

The five weeks at the Mega weren't a total bust though. I had a good time and learned a lot about myself. I can carry a full ruck sack up 12 flights of stairs and still be alive at the end of it! Who knew? I learned I have a lot of fight in me and if I want something bad enough I can get it. And damn if I don't look hot in a uniform, lol ;) I also met some amazing people and made some great friends. People that will be there for the rest of my life I'm sure. I love you DigDug and I can't wait to visit!!!!

I have lots more stories to tell but I will leave you with my favorite quote from the 5 weeks:

"There will be no doobie doobie doing in my hallway! March smart people!!"

and of course as soon as the Warrant was out of ear shot we all started to "doobie doobie doo". Funny but maybe you had to be there, lol.

Stay tuned for photos and some great stories.
I missed you all.

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