Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Lessons Learned Revisited Again

As always it's a cryptic little glimpse into my life:

1. Children are perceptive and they understand more than you think

2. You can't pick your family. Learn to love them despite their faults, They love you the same way

3. You can pick your friends. They are your friends because they want to be not because they have to be, Don't forget that

4. Everything you need to learn in life you learned in Kindergarten. Be nice to others, clean up after your self, share.

5. Wear mittens

6. Rider Green can become bearable if you just accept it and move on

7. If you don't have anything nice to say keep your damn mouth shut

8. He is the "Daddy"

9. Social 30 isn't any better the second time around

10. You really are doing it all for them

11. It's OK to go to bed angry. A night sleeping next to each other is all it takes to make it better sometimes.

12. Take your own advice

13. Let the little things go. Think big picture.

14. You can't fix every situation. Roll with it.

15. He's the one missing out, he'll regret it in the end

16. Embrace the cold weather. There is not a damn thing you can do about it. (See #5)

17. Listen to your Mother

18. Life is all about give and take. Give more than you take.

19. Throw out your fat clothes

And as always.....

20. He is He. And He is still amazing.


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Not Me Monday

This post is inspired by MckMama who keeps me laughing with her "Not Me Monday" every week.

This week I did not wear a Riders t-shirt borrowed from Crabby Krysta just so I could be in the group photo that is being published in the work newsletter. I defiantly did not allow my children to wear the same clothes two days in a row right down to the socks demanding that they only change their underwear. I mean what kind of mother does that sort of thing? I didn't let my cat drink coke with his paw right out of my glass and I certainly didn't eat Cheezies for supper because no one else was home. Nope not me!


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Never Mind The Fast Lane, I'm on The Auto-Bon!

I have been neglecting my blog lately. I have been neglecting my blog and my housework and the laundry and even my children I think. I'm trying to think big picture otherwise getting through a week is near impossible. I decided in my infinite wisdom (if that's what you wanna call it) that not only was I going to work full time and raise two little girls but I would start taking night school as well. So on Tuesday and Thursday nights I take my little binder and pen and race off to SIAST to enjoy three hours upgrading my Social 30. I also have to take math and probably a science all in hopes of getting into a part time collage program next fall. So I'm trying to think big picture because all this madness has to get me somewhere in the end right? God I hope so! Consequently I have had a few extra minutes alone on my car everyday and managed to come up a fun little list I thought I would share.

Signs you might be living and working in Saskatchewan:

1. It's +30 on's +5 and pouring rain on Tuesday
2. You can wear Rider jerseys to work on game day and it's not even the playoffs
3. You heard one guy call another guy Moose just like he would call him John or Bob
4. A squirrel sneaks in the front door of your store and runs around scaring the crap out of everyone, flinging balls of yarn everywhere as he goes and then he lets himself out
5. A co-worker has a porcupine stuck under her van and pest control comes and takes it away with a big net and a hockey stick. Then they have to drive two hours to find a wooded area to let it loose in.
6. The president of the company didn't visit this summer and you a relieved because you know he won't come now until the warm weather is back. He is not a frozen dumb ass like the rest of us.

And finally:

7. It's so windy the Dr. office a few doors down calls your store to tell you foam pumpkins are whipping past her window and out onto the highway. Could we please bring them inside?
