Saturday, October 11, 2008

Time to Catch Up

Wow, it's been a life time since I sat down and put the keys to the screen lol is that the same as putting the pen to the paper? I don't know but I know I have lots to tell and more then I can fit in one little blog entry. At least without boring you all to death with the details of my ho-hum life here in Saskatchewan. Yes I said it: SASKATCHEWAN!!! Can you image me in the middle of ass tabernacle prairie land? Now being born and raised in Alberta you would think one would be reasonably used to life here out west but you would be wrong. Dead wrong. A year in Ottawa spoiled me rotten. Pretty malls and great shopping are a thing of the past, along with 24/7 everything. Living in Regina takes some planning ahead and some thinking (stop laughing). The thing is I'm kinda diggin' it here. The people are so nice, my job is fun and everyone at my new store are awesome so I really have no complaints. The best part of it all is waking up and falling asleep every night and knowing Jason is here. He is not leaving for the week. He maybe might not be coming home after five days away cause some wally screwed up. He's here and we are all together and its Amazing. How did I get so lucky?

3 more weeks and we will be all moved into our new place. We have shopped for furniture and kitchen stuff and a fantastic hot pink bathroom set with Betty Boop on it. We are all set and ready to go! All I need now is Ellis, Digdug and a few tequila sunrises and I'm all set ;)

Missing you all where ever you are!

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