Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Lessons Learned Revisited Again

As always it's a cryptic little glimpse into my life:

1. Children are perceptive and they understand more than you think

2. You can't pick your family. Learn to love them despite their faults, They love you the same way

3. You can pick your friends. They are your friends because they want to be not because they have to be, Don't forget that

4. Everything you need to learn in life you learned in Kindergarten. Be nice to others, clean up after your self, share.

5. Wear mittens

6. Rider Green can become bearable if you just accept it and move on

7. If you don't have anything nice to say keep your damn mouth shut

8. He is the "Daddy"

9. Social 30 isn't any better the second time around

10. You really are doing it all for them

11. It's OK to go to bed angry. A night sleeping next to each other is all it takes to make it better sometimes.

12. Take your own advice

13. Let the little things go. Think big picture.

14. You can't fix every situation. Roll with it.

15. He's the one missing out, he'll regret it in the end

16. Embrace the cold weather. There is not a damn thing you can do about it. (See #5)

17. Listen to your Mother

18. Life is all about give and take. Give more than you take.

19. Throw out your fat clothes

And as always.....

20. He is He. And He is still amazing.


1 comment:

Krysta said...

There are so many that I adhere to, but do I really have to let go of the fat clothes? LOL