Monday, March 9, 2009

Steps To Your First Day As Department Manager

1. Work 5 days straight. Start you new position on day 6
2. Get served breakfast in bed by handsome boyfriend
3. Haul your tired ass out of your nice warm bed and get ready for work
4. Put on freshly laundered work clothes
5. Scrape 2 inches of frost of your windshield. Drive to work
6. Arrive 10 mins. early. Take deep breath
7. Talk to store manager about plan for the day. Get to work
8. Get excited that things are going well. Feel confident when store manager leaves you all alone to go for lunch
9. Panic when all hell breaks loose in the hour he's gone
10. Cry
11. When he returns go get a BIG Timmie's
12. Spill said Timmie's on your freshly laundered work pants
13. See step 10
14. Remain in car for the rest of your lunch break. Finally understand why the assistant manager has lunch in his car everyday
15. Thank god you have a good crew to help you close the store
16. Check everything on your to-do list three times
17. Decide it's all done right. Take two tries to set the store alarm
18. Get in car and drive home
19. See steps 10 and 13
20. Stay up all night wondering if you should have checked the list 4 times.......



Krysta said...

LOL.. Well you offically made it through Day 1 and hey you even made it through Day 2.. Kudos Girl!!

Juanita said...

Ha-ha, glad to be on that good crew for you. You meant me, right?