Friday, August 28, 2009


This is the conversation I had with Kennedy this morning:

K:"Mama what is a mammal?"
Me:"An animal that has live babies"
K: "So your a mammal but what am I?"
Me: "Well your a mammal too, all humans are mammals"
K:" Well I think it would be better to lay an egg, it hurts to have a baby"
Me: "But then you have to sit on it and keep it warm, humans can't lay eggs"
K: "We'll see if I get pregnant" out folks someday I may have a grandbaby hatched from an egg

K: "Mama how come some girls love girls?"
Me: "Cause that's who they love"
K:"And some boys love boys right?"
Me: "Yep"
K:'But some girls love boys right? Like you and Jayse?"
K:" Oh good"

Sometimes it's hard to keep a straight face with that kid around. I don't know where she gets it from!

And to top it all off Alexis thinks we live in Regina, Sascachumon. LOL.

My funny little girlies :)
Lovin' every minute of it

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