Friday, December 28, 2007

The End

So here we are with 3 days left in 2007. Christmas is over and done with for another year. And now we move on to a celebration I usually dread but not this year. Never in my whole life have I been so happy to see a new year come. 2007 was a LONG 12 months that for the most part I never want to relive. It had some good points: Lexie's first day of Kindergarten, Meeting all my scrapbooking girls, Getting in the army and getting my first choice, Todd being happy with his job after being miserable for two years, my awesome new friends from work that remind me that yes I am only 26 not 46, Getting better after my car accident (push ups anyone?) Weddings and new babies, and finally feeling settled in Ottawa although it will never feel like home. The few other things that were good about the year I will hold onto in my heart forever and just like my engagement story they will never be shared. Now If I could just erase the rest of the crap I could call the year amazing lol.
2008 promises to be full of adventure and new experiences for both Todd and I. I wonder daily how he will fair as a single Dad while I am away. I tell him all the time he will be fine and that payback is a bitch! All I ask is he feeds them half decently and makes sure they don't go out looking like little ragamuffins and everything will be fine. The rest of it is all small stuff and it will fall into place eventually. I am so excited to begin this new chapter in my life. I have been working hard to get ready to go. I am finally doing something for myself and it feels so good! My heart breaks at the thought of leaving my girls for so long but I am so thankful that they have a great dad to take care of them. And my mom will be coming to visit regularly! So bring on 2008! I wish you all a safe and happy 2008. Bonne Annee!
Sending Love and Laughter from Ottawa.

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