Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Basic Training Times

I sent an e-mail to Rhonda (Digdug) a while ago and she thought I should post it up on my blog. I'm not sure any of you will get it but trust me it's funny as hell. Keep in mind I sent it to her with the idea of no one else seeing it :

Going to start a paper at the base...."The Basic Training Times" . The front page will have a picture of Stewart and I with the caption "The Mega's Most Interesting Couple Finally Tell Their Secrets" The next page will be blank. Some of the articles inside will be " How to avoid doobie doobie doing", "What to do if you get button duty", "A guy in a cape you say?" and "How to be a Trailer-PAT Girl". Of course it will have a sunshine boy chosen by the two of us. It will be whatever recruit we think is a total hottie that day. Neilson will not be featured. There will also be classified section and it will have all the regular crap...For Sale: 1 LAV still heavily armoured but a little IED damage. Would be great for those nights drinking at La Fiesta, Personals: Looking for someone to spend the night at the Comfort Inn. I'll wear my uniform if you will ;)..... a military themed crossword that will be all abbreviations and of course an announcement section. But this one will have things like "New To PAT", "New To PAR", "Make-up's, Break-up's, and Fuck-ups" and "Warrant Superman's Daily Horoscope". You can write the self-help column "Ask Digdug". We will let the boys have a sunshine girl but we get to pick. Harstien will not be featured.

If you spent any time at The Mega it will be good for a laugh, if not you'll think I'm out to lunch. Whatever lol.

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