Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Girls and Brussle Sprout Tea

All right....time to sit down and force out a half decent blog.

The girls are doing great. Little miss Kennedy has a birthday this Sunday. I can't believe she is going to be 4! Where did the time go? She fills my days with kisses, smiles and frustration! As cute as she is she is the most stubborn child I have ever met. The only thing that saves her from spending the days in her room is her natural humour. She is the funniest kid I know and that little giggle she has cracks me up. I guess she has always been pretty funny, even as a little baby she would do things to get a reaction out of us. I have video of her at about 6 months shaking her head to everything I say and then laughing about it. Quite the little character. I pray her teacher can handle her when she starts JK in the fall. What she lacks in size she makes up in personality! She is still sitting in the 25% for size in kids her age but she is healthy so I don't worry about it. Alexis on the other hand is still long and lanky. She is one of the tallest in her class. She just got her spring report card and is doing great in everything right across the board. She loves school and can't wait to go everyday. I knew when she was doing flash cards at a year old the academics wouldn't be a problem for her! She is so much more sensitive than her rough and tumble little sister. She wears her heart on her sleeve just like her mama. She is a good girl and I am very lucky because I don't think I could handle two wild ones!

Rhonda bought the ugliest teapot. It is supposed to be a rose with a little butterfly on top but it looks like a cabbage with a moth. I don't know what on Gods green earth possessed her to buy it but it's good for a laugh. We have decided she is going to take it to the Antiques Road Show but not before we make some brussel sprout tea in it! "Smells like ass....tastes like spring!" I'll take two sugar and a milk in mine please! If nothing else it would be a good place to hide the gonja....yep defiantly the gonja ;) Some days the two of us are right off our rockers but we laugh. It's so good to have someone to be silly with.

Sending love and laughter from Ottawa!

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