Sunday, April 6, 2008

Count Your Blessings

We all have moments that make us stop and take stock of our lives. I had one yesterday and I am still reeling from the effects. You spend so much time wishing you had more than you do, griping about your bad days and being frustrated with others that you don't stop to think things could be so much worse than they are. Get up in the morning and be thankful that you are alive to see the sun shining in the window, tell the people in your life that mean the most that you love them and make sure they know you do. Be thankful for your friends...they are not like your family, they don't have to stand by you but they do because you mean the world to them. To my friends and family and everyone I hold near and dear to my heart: I love you all and I am so blessed to have a life filled with such amazing people.

Take Care,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jen you should re-read what you wrote, I dont think you are counting your blessings. I wish everyday that I would have been better to my mother and spent more time with her, I just hope one day you will not have the same regret