Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Remembrance Day and More Touque Trouble

I'm disappointed. We went downtown to see the big National Remembrance Day Ceremony on Sunday and we couldn't see or hear a darn thing. We got there super early and found a cheap place to park (by Ottawa standards anyway). We arrived almost a full hour before the whole thing started and we could have had a great spot but we had to wait for Todd to report to his MWO. So we ended up not being able to see anything but we could hear the 21 gun salute loud and clear! It was a beautiful day so we were lucky in that respect but the kids got cranky and as you can see by the photo so did someone else! There was something like 30 000 people crammed into that little square by the war memorial. Crazy! Before we left we had more touque drama. I couldn't find Kennedy's new touque anywhere. It's like it up and walked away. I still haven't been able to find it. So what do you think she had on her head to go downtown? Lexie's Tinkerbelle Touque! Hmmmm...I think it was planned all along. I hope you all had a good day and took time to remember our soldiers.
Lest We Forget.

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