Friday, November 16, 2007

"Show And Tell" and Wabbits

It's Friday and THANK GOD! We have a busy weekend ahead but at least there is no school to deal with. It wasn't a bad week all things considered. I finally got my paperwork back from the doctors office yesterday so I was able to go down and hand it in. The medic I spoke too said it takes about two weeks to hear back from the medical review board in Borden. I have heard of people getting it back in less than that though. I am hoping to go to BMQ in January or February. It's going to be a full year of training with all the courses, longer if I get stuck on PAT platoon waiting to get loaded on a course, so the sooner I can get there the better. If it all works out I will be finishing my training around the same time as Todd is done his course. Keep your fingers crossed!

The girls are doing well. Alexis got an Academic Star Award from school. She was very proud and couldn't wait to show it to her dad when he came home from work. Her new favorite thing at school is "show and tell". Her day is Wednesday and she always asks me "how many more sleeps till Wednesday?". She is doing really well. We have parent/teacher interviews the first week of December so I will be able to see what kid of progress she is making. And little Kennedy is doing well too. She is going through a phase where she is obsessed with numbers. She loves to count things and looks at the clock on the stove to see what time it is. She will come into the living room and say "Mom it's 1-2-6 is it time to get Lexie yet?" I Always tell her we go get Lex at 3-2-0. Maybe Santa will bring her a watch for Christmas. She also counts her pet shop toys and puts them in her back pack. "Mom I have one puppy and two wabbbits in my pack pack" too funny. They are both driving me nuts with their Christmas lists. Every time they see a toy on TV they ask if I can add it to their list. I told them Santa is going to need a platinum Visa and a bigger sled! We have a PVR so Kennedy will actually watch a commercial, pause the TV and call me so she can rewind it and show it to me. Good grief!

Well thats all for now. All is well here in Ottawa.
Sending love and laughter to you all.

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