Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Incrediable Shrinking Woman And Kids With Cooties

I'm worn out, I'm not gonna lie. All the stress has finally got to me I think. Combine that with me working all weekend and I'm beat.When my head hit the pillow last night I was out like a light and didn't move until the girls begged me to get up at 7:30 this morning. Thank god for Timmies or I would never make it through the day. I have the weekend off so I will be able to rest a little. Thank God!

Yesterday during my physical I was weighed and measured. I was really happy to learn that all my running has payed off and I am down 37 pounds since June. That's more than a Kennedy lol. I was a little more surprised when I found out that I am 170cm tall. That is 66.9 inches and that means I am only 5'6" and a bit. All this time I thought I was a 5'8" and a bit so I have either really shrunk or I was wrong all along! I thought for sure they had measured me wrong so last night I had Todd do it and sure enough it's right. Crazy!

The girls got a new game last week. It's called Cooties. Some of you might remember it from when you were a kid. It should have been taken of the market years ago though or they need to put a warning label on it: "MAY CAUSE EXCESSIVE SCREAMING AND WHINING". At the very least they could throw in a couple sets of ear plugs. The girls love to play with it but fight over who gets which cootie parts. I swear I need to buy another set just so they can both have a damn bow to put on their Cootie. Stop the madness!

Time for me to hit the shower and get some stuff done around here.

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