Sunday, October 14, 2007

My First Update

Hi All,

So here it first official blog update! I haven't the slightest idea where to start so I'm just going for it.

Things here are good. We made it to Ottawa in one piece and so did most of our stuff. Minus a few things here and there the move was pretty uneventful. I think I cried from Edmonton to Winnipeg though! We are missing home a lot but we stay busy and are finally making some new friends. The girls are well. Alexis has started Kindergarten and loves it. Kennedy will go to Junior Kindergarten next September. Right now she is enjoying having mommy(and the computer) to her self all afternoon.

I just started working at Michaels. Evenings and weekends for now, something to get me out of the house. I love it. All the Christmas stuff is starting to get put out so I am in my glory! A few of you all ready know but I will confirm the rumor here....yes I did apply for the military. I went down and passed in all my paper work about a week and a half ago. They are just waiting for my highschool transcripts to arrive. I should get a call to do my aptitude test and interview in the next few weeks I think. Hard to say though, you know what the military is like. Wait Wait Wait! I have been working out and running trying to get myself ready. It's hard work! I am struggling with push-ups the most but I am pushing myself to do them. I am actually starting to get a little muscle in my scrawny arms! As far as what trade I want, I put Medic as my first and only choice. I guess I will have to wait and see what comes back on my aptitude test before I look at anything else. I will keep you all posted.

Todd's course is going well. He seems to like it. He has joined a broomball team here in the city and plays one night a week. Add my scrapbooking night and work to that and we are busy busy! The girls that I have met here are too funny. I actually had tea come out my nose from laughing last week. Something about a lobster tail. I think you had to be there. It's nice to have some new friends but I still miss you all like crazy!

I think that about does it for now. Stay tuned for some video. I have to figure out how to get it from my camera to the computer and then post it. You won't believe how big the girls are getting! And yes Pauline, Kennedy still has that squeaky voice and the girl never shuts up!


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