Thursday, October 18, 2007

Pink Eye, Head Lice and Lockdowns

Yep that about sums up Lexie's first month at school. Thank god that she didn't get lice but they sent home a notice to say someone in the class had it. Of course I launched into full freak out mode. So we started the tea tree oil shampoo and had the big talk about sharing hats and stuff with your friends. Fun stuff! Two weeks ago she caught pink eye and was nice enough to share it with Kennedy and I. Yesterday she came home and told me they had a "lockdown". "But don't worry mom I wasn't scared" she said. "We had to sit together and be quiet. Ms.Myers covered up the window so the bad guy couldn't see in. My friend was scared but I told him not to worry". All this from a five year old! Now of course this was just a drill but it bothers me to think that my child has to have this kind of training. Remember when it used to be safe to go to school? So I am learning that Kindergarten is very dramatic! I hope things quiet down a bit. On a positive note Alexis is doing well and is loving her French classes. It amazes me how fast kids can pick up a language, I wish I had that kind of brain power!

I'm off to join the "Scrapbooking Mama's" tonight. Lets see if I can make it through the night without tea coming out my nose!

Until tomorrow folks!
~Big Red~

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